Raindrop.io Bookmarks 05/01/2023
- Rebuilding a featured news section with modern CSS: Vox news - Ahmad Shadeed
"In this article, I will rethink how to build the featured news section on Vox.com and try to see if modern CSS will be helpful or not."
- No, APG's Support Charts Are Not 'Can I Use' for ARIA -- Adrian Roselli
"From the perspective of an accessibility practitioner, I would have preferred the APG effort to mimic A11ySupport.io at the start or, maybe better, contribute to it instead."
- 30th anniversary of licensing the Web for general use and at no cost | W3C Blog
"Today marks the 30th anniversary of the release of the World Wide Web into the public domain, for general use, and at no cost, on 30 April 1993 by CERN."
- Adactio: Journal--Read-only web apps
"So if you're about to build a web app and you're pretty sure it requires JavaScript, why not pause and consider whether you can provide a read-only version."
- LukeW | Evaluating User Interfaces with the Squint Test
"So how can you tell when there's the right amount of visual hierarchy in a UI design? Just squint. This will blur the design just enough to quickly identify if the important elements stand out. I call this the squint test."
- 5 lesser-known spacing tips for product designers | by Jishnu Hari | Mar, 2023 | UX Collective
"Screenshot your favourite app. Paste it onto a Figma frame. Reduce opacity by 50%, lock the layer. Now trace on top and recreate the screen as it is. Do this for a couple of weeks, and you will see an immense improvement in your sense of spacing and overall UI aesthetics."