Raindrop.io Bookmarks 04/30/2023
- YouTube No Cookies Adds Cookies - Cloud Four
"YouTube utilizes something called Local Storage in your browser to store a unique device identifier. Note that this is done without anyone's consent and GDPR is violated already in this step. GDPR is not only about cookies."
- Microsoft Edge now allows you to simulate dark, light, high contrast mode, blurred vision and colour deficiencies right from the Device Emulation toolbar | Christian Heilmann
"I was incredibly excited to see that from Microsoft Edge 111 onwards you can now emulate different viewing modes and vision deficiencies right from the device emulation toolbar."
- Write Better CSS By Borrowing Ideas From JavaScript Functions -- Smashing Magazine
"Coding a layout isn't about laying things out on a page but describing how they respond to change. For that reason, it's risky to treat CSS like constants rather than functions."
- CSS Blend Modes
"CSS blend modes allow you to blend overlapping pixels."
- Accessible Target Sizes Cheatsheet -- Smashing Magazine
"When designing for touch today, we need to use at least 27×27px for small links or icons in the content area and at least 44×44px for icons at the top and at the bottom of the page."
- Guardrails for better accessibility support in frontend
"Getting WCAG Level A compliance is the absolute minimum implicit goal to aim for, even if no explicit a11y requirements have been documented in the previous step."