Raindrop.io Bookmarks 04/17/2023
- The details element is amazing
"this morning I realized we don't need a ton of JavaScript and CSS fanciness to get those big beautiful cards and here's the proof: the ever-so-powerful and perfect <details> element can be used to make this effect."
- AI Adoption Strategies at Tech Companies. How Shutterstock, Getty Images, Quora, and Others Handled AI Content
"AI has become a hot topic in recent years, with many organizations looking for ways to leverage its capabilities, while others resist. This post examines a few notable cases of companies and tracks how they've changed their perspective on AI adoption (if at all)."
- Adactio: Journal--Browser history
"I'm not saying that we should all make our browsing histories public. That would be a security nightmare. But I am saying there's a lot of untapped potential in our browsing histories."
- Usablenet - Website Accessibility - 10 FAQs from our webinar with a blind shopper
"Do cure-all web accessibility solutions like AI widgets help customers? The short answer to this question is no."
- The age of average -- Alex Murrell
"Perhaps when times are turbulent, people seek the safety of the familiar. Perhaps it's our obsession with quantification and optimisation. Or maybe it's the inevitable result of inspiration becoming globalised."
- Managing the Quality Control of EPUB Ebooks - Inclusive Publishing
"This article by Marianne Gulstad considers what you can do to ensure the quality and accessibility of your ebooks."
- Include--Accessibility Annotations | Figma Community
"Include is a tool built to make annotating for accessibility (a11y) easier--easier for designers to spec and easier for developers to understand what is required."