Raindrop.io Bookmarks 04/16/2023
- Google's decision to deprecate JPEG-XL emphasizes the need for browser choice and free formats -- Free Software Foundation -- Working together for free software
"Google's deprecation of the JPEG-XL image format in February in favor of its own patented AVIF format might not end the web in the grand scheme of things, but it does highlight, once again, the disturbing amount of control it has over the platform generally."
- Web Accessibility Cookbook [Book]
"Frontend developers have to consider many things: browser compatibility, usability, performance, scalability, SEO, and other best practices. But the most fundamental aspect of creating websites is one that often falls short: accessibility."
- Understanding CSS preload and other resource hints - LogRocket Blog
"In this tutorial, we will look at these browser resource hints: preload, prefetch, and preconnect. We will explore their benefits and best practices for using them."
- It's time to learn oklch color
"The great thing about OKLCH, is it can specify any color these monitors are capable of--In fact, it can specify any color that the human eye is capable of seeing. In CSS, the browser will automatically round any out-of-range colors to the nearest color the hardware is capable of displaying."
- CSS Text balancing with text-wrap:balance - Ahmad Shadeed
"There is a React component called React Wrap Balancer that make the text balanced dynamically on resize."
- Accessibility and Design Systems: The Deep-Dive Q&A - Blog - Supernova.io
"It's important to note that although a design system supports accessibility, it is not solely responsible for ensuring the end product is accessible."
- If we lose the Internet Archive, we're screwed - The Statesman
"When Julius Caesar burned the Library of Alexandria, it was hard to imagine a greater destruction of scholarship. Now, 2,000 years later, some petty, litigious schmucks are ready to deal an even bigger blow to the literary canon."
- Reveal by Itty Bitty Apps
"Browse, filter and inspect your app's accessible interface elements."