Raindrop.io Bookmarks 04/13/2023
- Designing for Reduced Motion | Craft CMS
"One way to give users additional control over motion is to add a global toggle to turn animations on and off."
- 50.1% empty links - Manuel Matuzović
"The number of empty links increased by 0.4% from 49.7% to 50.1%. More than half of the websites tested contained empty links (links with no text). That usually happens when you link an image, but it has no alt attribute or the alt attribute has no value."
- Why Lego Won
"Lego did not invent the stacking, interlocking plastic brick -- Kiddiecraft did. So why did Lego's version win? As Phil Edwards explains in this entertaining video, the answer can be boiled down to two words: innovation and marketing."
- The Future of Senior Developers in an AI-Driven World | Christian Heilmann
"Even with these tools, junior developers will still need to use their knowledge and understanding to evaluate the generated code, ensuring it is secure, performs well, and works as intended."
- We need accessibility action -- Now! · Eric Eggert
"96.3% of home pages still have easily detectable WCAG failures. That is only a decrease of 1.5% in four years."
- A quarter century of Mozilla
"March 31, or "three thirty-one," is something of a talisman in the Mozilla community. It's the date that, back in 1998, Mozilla first came into being -- the date that we open-sourced the Netscape code for the world to use."
- Introducing the "Browser essentials" feature in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Edge Blog
"Performance Detector helps identify scenarios where browser performance may be impacted and recommends actions to you through Browser essentials that will decrease memory use or other resources. We expect to add more recommendations in the coming months."