Raindrop.io Bookmarks 03/29/2023
- The difference between Increased Contrast Mode and Windows High Contrast Mode (Forced Colours Mode) - tempertemper
"Although WHCM has 'high contrast' in the name, some people might create their own custom themes for some other reason"
- Day 96: the margin-trim property - Manuel Matuzović
"The margin-trim property allows a container element to trim the margins of its children where they adjoin the container's edges."
- WebKit Features in Safari 16.4 | WebKit
"Today, we're thrilled to tell you about the many additions to WebKit that are included in Safari 16.4. This release is packed with 135 new web features and over 280 polish updates. Let's take a look."
- Web Accessibility Laws Set To Enter New Era As DOJ Gears Up For Spring Rulemaking
"This May the U.S. Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division will kickstart a rulemaking procedure some 13 years in the making aimed at codifying technical standards to assist public entities in complying with obligations to make their websites accessible to individuals with disabilities."
- Accessibility vs emojis. At an emojis best, they can add fun and... | by Camryn Manker | Mar, 2023 | UX Collective
"In order to use emojis in a way that are beneficial to everyone, I'm going to give you a few tips on how to use them. At an emojis best, they can add fun and context to a post or message. At their worst, they can cause frustration and abandonment."
- Tracking the Fake GitHub Star Black Market with Dagster, dbt and BigQuery | Dagster Blog
"Within 48 hours of publishing this article, either the GitHub team or both fake star vendors took action. All of the profiles used to star our test repository have been deleted."
- Circular Text with CSS? - DEV Community
"Trigonometric functions are coming to CSS. This will give you access to functions such as sin, cos, and tan within CSS. They're already available in Firefox and Safari. They shipped in Chromium 111."