Raindrop.io Bookmarks 03/28/2023
- Bruce Lawson's personal site : "Whose web is it, anyway?" My axe-con talk
"The nice people at Deque systems asked me to kick off the developer track of their Axe Conference 2023. You can view the design glory of my slides (and download the PDF for links etc). Here's the subtitled video."
- Sabbath mode and assistive technology features - Eric Bailey
"First and foremost, just because an assistive technology feature exists does not mean it is guaranteed that a person who could benefit from its use knows the feature exists and is actively using it. This means designing and building an accessible experience as the default."
- Hijacking Screenreaders with CSS
"I introduce mental models I built for myself when I was learning web development and accessibility, especially around the separation of content and presentation, and then I go over some weird demos that challenged those mental models."
- The Most Popular Build Tools for Front-end Developers in 2023
"It's important to learn build tools even if you've never used them before because they are essential tools for modern web development. By automating repetitive tasks and optimizing code, build tools can help you write better code more quickly and efficiently."
- The Problem with Web Design Trends: Why Following Them Blindly Can Hurt Your Business - Designmodo
"By balancing current trends with practical considerations and thinking critically about their suitability for your website, you can create a website that reflects your brand and meets the needs of your audience."