Raindrop.io Bookmarks 03/20/2023
- Evolving custom sliders - TPGi
"The percentage position of the thumb is applied using a logical property, inset-inline-start, so that it also supports RTL (Right-To-Left) pages"
- SPA view transitions land in Chrome 111 - Chrome Developers
"The View Transition API lets you update the DOM in a single step, while generating an animated transition between the two states."
- A beginner's guide to manual accessibility testing - Pope Tech Blog
"Manual accessibility testing means going through your website or software like a real user with a disability would. That means using assistive technology, a keyboard, and zooming to make sure it's accessible."
- Ten tips for better CSS transitions and animations - Josh Collinsworth blog
"However, while these five named timing functions are convenient and useful in some situations, they're also very generic. (Many of the animations built into tools and libraries online fall prey to the same homogeny, even if they do offer a wider range of choices.)"
- My 2023 CSS Wishlist - Jim Nielsen's Blog
"I want to create more pseudo elements without having to add more empty HTML elements. What if you could create unlimited pseudo elements on any given node?"
- More Real-World Uses for :has() | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
"Depending on your templating language it can get pretty ugly to conditionally add a bunch of classes, especially if you have to do this with lots of child elements too. Contrast that with a :has()-based approach"