Raindrop.io Bookmarks 03/17/2023
- Accessibility Beyond Code Compliance :: Aaron Gustafson
"I believe you, as a developer interested in accessibility, have so much to offer your organizations, your customers, and this industry. That's what I am here to talk to you about today."
- The importance of adding accessibility design reviews to the design process - Ad Hoc
"Taking the time to conduct accessibility design reviews means fewer bugs when the design gets built, and more importantly, an interface that works for more people. Here are some things to consider."
- CSUN Talk: WCAG 3 Update - Wholly Accessible
"We were full up and had to turn a number of folks away. CSUN is unable to support a second session (I asked) so I will try to record a virtual version and post it here in a week or two."
- Forcing people back into the office is a massive step backwards | Christian Heilmann
"If someone abuses the system of working from home to do nothing, you don't have a location problem but a process issue. And an employee motivation problem. And a people manager who is asleep at the wheel."
- Tooled. -- Ethan Marcotte
"these utilities are being created in a country that has minimal regulatory oversight, few privacy safeguards, and even fewer labor protections. And the makers of this software promise it can do tasks many digital workers always believed couldn't be automated."
- Some thoughts on AI's impact on digital design and development | Brad Frost
"If the means of production for creating digital products are increasingly assisted or led or maybe even taken over completely by artificial intelligence, I think that the role of the designer and developer kind of becomes one of quality control."