Raindrop.io Bookmarks 03/16/2023
- Limitations and websites - daverupert.com
"Notably, my website authoring tools don't tell me if I'm doing a good job on performance or accessibility unless I do a mountain of work to configure them to yell at me"
- Accessible fixed layout EPUBs: a new research project by Fondazione LIA - Fondazione LIA
"From the very first analysis, it was clear that transforming the book into a reflowable digital version would have impacted usability as the layout itself carries meaning. Thus, LIA proposed to work together to produce an accessible EPUB Fixed Layout"
- Why Is Microsoft Edge Adding Its Own UI to Websites?
"Hopefully, features like Visual Search will spark a productive debate. Is placing a browser-specific UI on a website acceptable?"
- Static Site Generators: What's Trending Right Now - Stack Diary
"While not yet mainstream, static site generators are gaining traction due to their improved speed, heightened security, and possibilities for scalability. In this article, we'll explore the currently most trending options and learn what they have to offer."
- 6 CSS snippets every front-end developer should know in 2023
"I believe every front-end developer should know how to use container queries, create a scroll snap experience, avoid position: absolute with grid, swiftly hammer out a circle, use cascade layers, and reach more with less via logical properties."
- Axe Developer Hub (Beta) | Deque Systems
"Take the next leap in automated testing for accessibility. Built for developers, easy to implement, and requiring no maintenance, this new platform gives you everything you need - in minutes."