Raindrop.io Bookmarks 03/13/2023
- Some simple ways to make content look good - Set Studio
"Something non-designers understandably struggle with is how to make things look good. One of those things is long form content that's well set and readable. Luckily, CSS makes this easy, you just have to know what to change."
- A Practical Guide to Progressive Enhancement in 2023 | by Jason Godesky | Mar, 2023 | Medium
"Progressive enhancement works really well with API-first development. With big projects, I usually like to create an API first, then a design system, and finally the actual server that users make requests from."
- content is your Content? | CSS Hell
"Accessibility: CSS content is not accessible to screen readers, which makes it difficult for users with visual impairments to access the content. Also, you can not select it because it doesn't behave as a text."
- Without Accessibility, There Is No Privacy or Security | Level Access
"Privacy and security barriers caused by inaccessible experiences are certainly not new. They are, however, intensifying as more of daily life moves online."
- We Don't Need .visually-hidden - Web Axe
"as web professionals, we don't want to encourage the use of visually hidden text but discourage the use -- in favor of universal design, creating the same design and experience for all users."
- Component Specifications. What to include, where it goes, and why... | by Nathan Curtis | EightShapes | Feb, 2023 | Medium
"Specs are largely concerned with how to make a component, not how to use a component in practice. Therefore, I advise teams that design specs and design guidelines overlap yet have different audiences and intents."