Raindrop.io Bookmarks 02/25/2023
- Background: A guide to troublesome UI components - The A11Y Project
"It is possible to build just about anything, it comes down to time and money. But no client ever has said, "Hey, we have a lot of time and money!" Accessibility is not expensive if you proactively plan for it."
- Design thinking was supposed to fix the world. Where did it go wrong? | MIT Technology Review
"He believes that a justice lens can help foster collaboration and creativity in a much broader way that goes beyond our current power structures. "Let's try to imagine and acknowledge that capitalism is not inevitable, not necessarily a foundational principle of nature," he urges."
- High Definition CSS Color Guide - Chrome Developers
"From Chrome 111 is support for CSS Color 4 gamuts and color spaces, joining Safari who's had support for display-p3 since 2016. CSS can now support HD (high definition) displays, specifying colors from HD gamuts while also offering color spaces with specializations."
- Hex Colors Aren't Great At Anything Except Being Popular - Chris Coyier
"Perhaps it's best to think of this as an opportunity: someone (please) make a kick-ass color app that supports all the newest color formats, relative colors, color mixing, and all that, and have the app help out with their usage in CSS (copy and paste with quality fallbacks, etc). But also, Adobe, you help too."
- Improved font fallbacks - Chrome Developers
"A font's metadata (specifically, its font tables) contains all the information that at you'll need to calculate its font metric overrides."
- The Page with No Code - Chris Coyier
"This is a classic CSS trick that relies on the fact that Firefox lets you apply CSS to a page by including it as a Data URL in a link response header."