Raindrop.io Bookmarks 01/18/2023
- The tech industry still has a long way to go when it comes to accessibility
"Berger said this corresponded with a "significant uptick in the total annual number of U.S. job postings with the word 'accessibility' in the job title." LinkedIn data shows that these postings have "spiked 171 [percent] since September 2019.""
- Scalable CSS - Chris Coyier
"I will say that hand-written vanilla CSS files are a perfectly fine option. You can achieve all of this, including the scaling part, without any tooling, which buys you serious longevity. This has become more tenable with the advent of things like custom properties that wrangle consistency."
- The Shit Show • furbo.org
"One thing I've noticed is that everyone is going to great lengths to make something that replaces the clients we've known for years. That's an excellent goal that eases a transition in the short-term, but ignores how a new open standard (ActivityPub) can be leveraged in new and different ways."
- Sibling Scopes in CSS, thanks to :has() - Bram.us
".upper ~ * will select all elements that are preceded by .upper. :has(~ .lower) will select all elements that are followed by a .lower. By combining both, you can clamp the selection and create a scope between the .upper and .lower siblings."
- :has is an unforgiving selector | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
"Remember, :is() and :where()are forgiving, even if :has() is not. That means we can nest either of the those selectors in :has() to get more forgiving behavior"
- Common ARIA mistakes and how to avoid them
"If you create a site navigation with, e.g., role="menubar", then screen reader users will expect to navigate the menu with the arrow keys. When this doesn't work, they'll be confused."
- WAI-Adapt Explainer
"WAI-Adapt technologies allow authors to add additional semantic information using a collection of new attributes and values, with (in most cases) a fixed token list (taxonomies). This document provides an explanation for understanding how the WAI-Adapt attributes can be used to personalize a more accessible web site."