Raindrop.io Bookmarks 12/31/2022
- companies.tools '22 recap
"Here's how and which apps and tools tech teams all over the world used (in '22)"
- CSS Subgrid | 12 Days of Web
"There are no new properties or values to learn, just a decision to make--do you want your nested grid to have its own row and/or column definition, or to use the one from the parent?"
- Designing a New Outlook Experience | by Microsoft Design | Microsoft Design | Dec, 2022 | Medium
"Outlook's key design challenge is that of many heritage products: how do you chart a path forward that modernizes a beloved product, while also honoring its legacy and maintaining familiarity for the millions of people who rely on it? Striking that balance has been at the crux of our journey to update Microsoft Outlook over time."
- The state of HTTP in 2022
"So what happened at all of those working group meetings, specification documents, and side events in 2022? What are implementers and deployers of the web's protocol doing? And what's coming next?"
- Fluid Typography: Predicting A Problem With Your User's Zoom-In -- Smashing Magazine
"In this article, Ruslan Yevych will show you an easy way how to predict the appearance of a problem known as WCAG Failure Under 1.4.4 Resize Text (AA) while zooming the page. You will have a clear understanding of the possible risks of using responsive typography at the stage of development."
- User Stylesheets Are Still Pretty Great and Should Be More Widely Supported -- Pixel Envy
"web designers usually do a better job these days, and most browsers no longer support user stylesheets by default. Google removed them from Chrome nine years ago and they were made optional in Firefox in 2019. But Safari, my browser of choice, still makes user stylesheets easily visible"