Raindrop.io Bookmarks 12/30/2022
- Select The Right Tool For The Job - Jim Nielsen's Blog
"The point is, when considering a progressively-enhanced experience that will be accessible to the widest range of users, your technology choices are interconnected and opinionated. Some play nice with each other, others do not."
- Web Performance Calendar » HTTP/3 Prioritization Demystified
"The main thing I hope you take away from this article is that browsers have major differences in how they load resources over HTTP (and priortization is just one example of this!)."
- Web Performance Calendar » 103 Early Hints
"What if we could utilise that waiting time and get the browser doing something useful that could potentially aid the performance of that page? This is where "Early Hints" comes in to play."
- Useful Accessibility And Usability Examples To Help Improve Your Designs -- Smashing Magazine
"It could be said that when using lazy loading or infinite scroll in 2022, we are still dialing up with 4 kbps modems just like we did back in the year 2000. The amount of times and the delivery of information and images is the same: very, very slow."
- The Best of Material in 2022 - Material Design
"From a more accessible Switch component, all the way up to holistic color relationships across the design system, Material continues to build with accessibility as a foundational quality to ensure what we build - and what gets built using our technologies - can be built for everyone."
- Google publishes document on more notable ranking systems
"This is super useful to see what larger ranking systems are still in use and what is no longer in use. This list is also useful to see how Google defines each system, how it is used and what it means for Google Search."