Raindrop.io Bookmarks 12/25/2022
- The Most Popular CSS-in-JS Libraries in 2022 - Stack Diary
"The State of CSS survey, which gathers feedback from thousands of front-end developers, has highlighted the CSS-in-JS libraries that are most used amongst front-end developers for the past year. In this article, we will take a closer look at these libraries and explore their key features and advantages."
- 2022 CSS Updates | 12 Days of Web
"Let's take a quick look under the CSS tree and unwrap the gifts we received this year!"
- State of Design Tokens 2022 -- Our Five Main Takeaways - Blog - Supernova.io
"Back in November, leading up to our big design tokens management launch, we shared the state of design tokens survey for a week with the community and the response has been amazing. With close to 200 responses from companies of all shapes and sizes, we found some pretty curious insights."
- W3C Design Tokens with Style Dictionary | by Lukas Oppermann | Dec, 2022 | Medium
"At the moment the standard is still a draft and subject to change. While I believe this to be the future there is no guarantee for that. I heard from members of the working group that they believe the first version of the draft will be published without major changes."
- Should design systems include problematic components and patterns? by Amy Hupe, content designer.
"Design systems have a responsibility to mitigate - and certainly to not proliferate - bad practice. However, design systems must also acknowledge the reality of the context in which they sit."
- CSS { In Real Life } | Logical Border Radius
"it might surprise you to know there is no logical property shorthand. Unlike other border-related properties, if we want to apply a border radius using logical properties we must use the more verbose longhand options."