Raindrop.io Bookmarks 12/19/2022
- 5 HTML elements, And a partridge in a despair tree - HTMHell
"Many accessibility issues can be solved during the design phase. The barriers we create are designed in, and the more we can shift the conversation and responsibility of accessibility to earlier in the product lifecycle, the better (often referred to as shifting left)."
- Swinging Through the Accessibility Tree Like a Ring-Tailed Lemur: A Deep Dive into Accessibility APIs, Part 1 - Knowbility
"While preparing a fantastic new Knowbility course on coding for screen reader accessibility, I decided to double-check some of the finer details about how assistive technology actually gets hold of information from web pages."
- WCAG - Priority of Constituencies | AlastairC
"Or more succinctly: Users > authors > testers > test-tool implementers > specification writers > theoretical purity."
- Modern HTML as a foundation for progressive enhancement - HTMHell
"Progressive enhancement starts from the ground up: 1.content, 2.marked up with HTML, 3.styled with CSS, 4.enhanced with JavaScript 5.and improve accessibility with a bit of ARIA."
- Accessibility starts with an organisation's culture - DWP Digital
"What do we mean by organisational culture? It's the mindset of the people in the organisation. Their principles, values, priorities and, ultimately, their behaviours."
- Clickable DIVs and other icebergs | the 200ok weblog
"To get off this treadmill, frontenders should start by properly understanding native HTML elements and how they work - even if they never use the pure, native version."
- Mini-guide to add an image - HTMHell
"Adding an image to a website is easy... But things start to complicate when you start to keep in mind performance and accessibility considerations. Luckily for us, HTML can give us the proper tools to tackle those considerations with no problem at all."