Raindrop.io Bookmarks 12/08/2022
- Image Formats for the Web | DebugBear
"In this article, we'll look into the most important image formats for the web and help you decide when to use which image file type."
- Accessibility strategy - GOV.UK Design System
"This accessibility strategy outlines the current principles and work needed to improve the accessibility of the GOV.UK Design System."
- Prerender pages in Chrome for instant page navigations - Chrome Developers
"To avoid complications with existing usage, and to allow for future expansion of prerendering, this new prerender mechanism will not use the <link rel="prerender"...> syntax, which remains in place for NoState Prefetch, with a view of retiring this at some point in the future."
- The State of CSS 2022
"Parent selector, native nesting, container queries, cascade layers... The list of absolutely game-changing features coming imminently is pretty shocking when you think about it."
- Meaningful labels using ARIA - or not. - HTMHell
"If something is important enough to add using ARIA, consider whether it should be added for all users. Overuse or misuse of the aria-label attribute can be indicative of larger problems within a code base or development processes."
- Down with design systems dogma by Amy Hupe, content designer.
"I have this mental image sometimes of those of us working on design systems as salmon, swimming upstream, in pursuit of what we consider the ideal design system."