Raindrop.io Bookmarks 12/04/2022
- Reimagining a Token Taxonomy. Notes from design token projects, from... | by Nathan Curtis | EightShapes | Nov, 2022 | Medium
"As you ponder a next generation of a visual foundation, set expectations what, why, and how current state is imperfect, imprecise, and incomplete. It's time to change, grow, and scale for a reason."
- How to Verify Site Ownership on Mastodon Profiles - Eric's Archived Thoughts
"Like many of you, I've been checking out Mastodon and finding more and more things I like. Including the use of XFN (XHTML Friends Network) semantics to verify ownership of sites you link from your profile's metadata!"
- HTML Content Model Categories - Max Design
"In HTML 4.01, there was a distinction between block-level and inline elements. In HTML 5, this distinction between block and inline has been replaced with a more complex set of content categories. Each element in HTML falls into zero or more categories that group elements with similar characteristics."
- Is »CSS Engineer« now a job position? -- Anselm Hannemann
"CSS evolved and we're beyond the point where everyone can just do it as a side interest. We all can learn it and build amazing stuff with it, but using it wisely and correctly in a large-scale context isn't an easy job anymore."
- Sign in with Google, Apple, and Other Providers... and Save it in 1Password | 1Password
"When you sign in to or sign up for an account with your Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Twitter, Okta, or GitHub credentials, 1Password will ask if you'd like to save the login to one of your vaults. The next time you visit that site, 1Password will offer to sign you in using the proper credentials."
- You Don't Need ARIA For That - HTMHell
"ARIA only provides semantics. It doesn't provide any functionality. It doesn't provide any keyboard interaction that's often expected from certain ARIA patterns (the tab panel for example). It doesn't solve accessibility issues outside semantics for assistive technology (such as alternative text, color contrast, reading order, clear label text, captions, etc.)"