Raindrop.io Bookmarks 11/23/2022
- Design Systems: Useful Examples and Resources -- Smashing Magazine
"In this post, we explore some interesting design systems and their features, as well as useful resources for building a successful design system that works well for you and your team."
- Classy and Cool Custom CSS Scrollbars: A Showcase | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
"In this article we will be diving into the world of scrollbars. I know, it doesn't sound too glamorous, but trust me, a well-designed page goes hand-in-hand with a matching scrollbar. The old-fashioned chrome scrollbar just doesn't fit in as much."
- Style a parent element based on its number of children using CSS :has() - Bram.us
"The count-condition is something we need to come up with for each type of selection we want to do. Similar to Quantity Queries, we'll leverage :nth-child() for this."
- Firefox-only CSS -- Amit Merchant -- A blog on PHP, JavaScript, and more
"The url-prefix() is a function to lets you specify if the CSS rule should be applied only for the URLs that start with the specified prefix. When used with no URL argument like @-moz-document url-prefix() it applies to all pages."
- Brief Note on aria-readonly Support -- Adrian Roselli
"TL;DR: Support for aria-readonly is nearly non-existent for the roles I tested. Should you need it, you cannot rely on it. You will be better off revising the pattern where you think you need it."
- How to Improve Digital Resilience | Mightybytes
"Digital resilience requires that digital products and services function in the times and places where people need them most. It is one of six core digital sustainability principles outlined in the Sustainable Web Manifesto. Digital resilience also aligns with Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) principles."