Raindrop.io Bookmarks 11/19/2022
- When Our Tools Hold Us Back | OddBird
"As long as it results in an accessible, resilient, and performant experience for users: use whatever tools work best for you."
- Foundations: native versus custom components - TetraLogical
"Unfortunately, though, browser error messages present some accessibility and usability issues, described below."
- Using Automated Test Results To Improve Accessibility -- Smashing Magazine
"Equipping a development team with browser extensions and linters is a free and fast way to empower them to find and fix accessibility bugs immediately. The tools are simple to use, and no special accessibility training is required to execute the tests or consume and action the results."
- Accessibility is in Style - Styles & Style Guides - Knowbility
"After determining your organization's style - in particular, the font formats and colors you wish to use - you can use features in the tools you use to create digital content to save those formatting options and apply them to text in new and existing content."
- Accessibility contrast requirements explained and how to fix 5 common low-contrast issues - Pope Tech Blog
"Non-underlined links must have a 3:1 contrast ratio with the body text and still have 4.5:1 contrast ratio with the background color."
- Layout & Grid in Design Systems | Brad Frost
"With fully fluid, container query-powered components in place, product teams can drop design system components into complex, bespoke grids. Pretty cool!"