Raindrop.io Bookmarks 11/03/2022
- Microfrontends: Microservices for the Frontend - DEV Community
"Microfrontends are what we get when we bring the microservice approach to the frontend. In other words, a microfrontend is made of components -- owned by different teams -- that can be deployed independently."
- The New CSS Media Query Range Syntax | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
"The bottom line: it's easier to distinguish a comparison operator (e.g. width >= 320px) than it is to tell the difference between min-width and max-width using the and operator. By removing the nuance between min- and max-, we have one single width parameter to work with and the operators tell us the rest."
- Scroll to Text Fragments - Jim Nielsen's Blog
"The spec doesn't say anything about why the string :~: is the delimiter, but it does say text=baz is only the first fragment directive, others may follow in the future."
- GitHub Copilot investigation · Joseph Saveri Law Firm & Matthew Butterick
"By offering Copilot as an alternative interface to a large body of open-source code, Microsoft is doing more than severing the legal relationship between open-source authors and users. Arguably, Microsoft is creating a new walled garden that will inhibit programmers from discovering traditional open-source communities. Or at the very least, remove any incentive to do so."
- 5 Visual Treatments that Improve Accessibility
"To design accessible visuals, account for color contrast, don't rely on color alone, make interactive elements easy to identify, provide useful alternative text for images, and test your visuals with real users."
- aria-label is a code smell - Eric Bailey
"When I encounter too much, or mis-applied aria-label it makes me take notice. This code smell puts me on alert to investigate things more thoroughly, as it most likely indicates accessibility issues."