Raindrop.io Bookmarks 10/17/2022
- Container Queries: Style Queries - Bram.us
"For Style-based Container Queries - or Style Queries for short - you can look at the styles applied onto a Container. That means you can style children conditionally, based on the Computed (!) Value of a CSS property from that Container."
- Sustainable Web Development Strategies Within An Organization -- Smashing Magazine
"However we choose to take action on climate change and sustainability, it's imperative to exclude no one. We should make sure our actions don't overtly or covertly place undue burdens on already-marginalized people, including those with disabilities, people of color, those living in developing countries, people with below-average incomes, or LGBTQ+ people."
- Inspired by challenges in your workday: latest innovations and updates from Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Edge Blog
"With your explicit permission, and under the terms in our privacy policy, Microsoft Edge will send unlabeled images to the Microsoft cloud for processing to recognize embedded text on images in over 120 languages and can describe text in five languages."
- Figma Autoname
"Your today's problem with this "Frame 563" is not really renaming it properly to "Button", it's more about the 562 other frames you have to rename too. This plugin is an experiment to solve your problem right here, right now."
- Android Developers Blog: Bringing passkeys to Android & Chrome
"Starting today, Google is bringing passkey support to both Android and Chrome."
- Site Names in Google Search | Google Search Central | Documentation | Google Developers
"While we can't manually change site names for individual sites, we're always working to make them as accurate as possible. You can help improve the quality of the site name that's displayed for your page by adding WebSite structured data."
- Website and Software Applications Accessibility Act Introduced - Converge Accessibility
"I will, however, predict that there is very little chance that this bill will ever become law. It's not that I don't agree with the idea that we need clarity around what companies and public sector entities need to do around web and digital accessibility; it's just that this law isn't the way to do it."