Raindrop.io Bookmarks 10/12/2022
- 5 Web Accessibility Myths - DZone Web Dev
"Let us examine some myths which can stop companies and individuals from investing in proper web accessibility efforts."
- Simple Tests For Accessibility Every Tester Should Know | MoT
"So let's get started with the simplest accessibility test anyone can do. Note: All tests are browser based."
- Figma Tokens | Figma Community
"Gives you the ability to use Design Tokens that can be used for a whole range of design options, from border radii or spacer units to semantic color and typography styles that are able to reference other tokens. It allows you to change tokens and see these changes applied to the whole document, its styles or just a selection."
- Bruce Lawson's personal site : Inclusive name inputs - because not everyone is called Chad Pancreas
"This is why there is a strong and statistically significant correlation between the diversity of management teams and overall innovation and why companies with more diverse workforces perform better financially."
- Foundations: HTML semantics - TetraLogical
"In this post we explore what HTML semantics are, and how they're experienced by people using assistive technologies like screen readers and speech recognition software."
- Proposed web and software accessibility legislation introduced in United States Congress - Law Office of Lainey Feingold
"This is an article about a proposed law in the United States. The proposed law is called the Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act. It was introduced in the US Congress in September of 2022."