Raindrop.io Bookmarks 10/07/2022
- How to Center a Div Using CSS Grid - SitePoint
"In this article, we'll look at four ways to horizontally and vertically center a div using CSS Grid. Of course, these centering techniques can be used on any kind of element."
- 100 Days Of More Or Less Modern CSS - Manuel Matuzović
"It's time to get me up on speed with modern CSS. There's so much new in CSS that I know too little about. To change that I've started #100DaysOfMoreOrLessModernCSS."
- How to (not) make a button - Tomas Pustelnik's personal website
"I want to show you how to properly turn a div into a button, in case you ever need it. So the result will be accessible and useable by everyone."
- Designing with Emoji
"When used moderately, skillfully, and, in the right place, emoji can indeed make us smile. Spread mechanically and without much thought, to add some color to an otherwise dull text, they just decorate boredom."
- Accidental Dismissal of Overlays: A Common Mobile Usability Problem
"We recommend that designers stay away from overlays whenever possible and instead attempt to use a different design component (like an accordion or a full page)."
- Easy Fluid Typography With clamp() Using Sass Functions -- Smashing Magazine
"Note: When you use vw units or limit how large text can get with clamp(), there is a chance a user may be unable to scale the text to 200% of its original size."