Raindrop.io Bookmarks 09/27/2022
- The new wave of Javascript web frameworks
"It's always a tradeoff against specific metrics. And knowing what to tradeoffs to make will depend on what you are building. Who your users are, and their usage patterns. And whatever other requirements around key user experiences (like performance budgets) are set."
- Towards a Factory model of designing User Interfaces -- Slotted systems in Figma | by Anuj Uchil | Sep, 2022 | UX Collective
"A typical factory facility consists of an assembly line where parts made of raw materials are assembled and slotted into a Case/Shell to create a finished product. Many quantities of the same product are made, with certain variations to its internal structure."
- Browserslist
"Browserslist helps you keep the right balance between browser compatibility and bundle size. With Browserslist, you will cover wider audience and have smaller bundle size."
- Container Queries in Browsers! | Miriam Eric Suzanne
"For now style queries are limited to strict equality (we can't query number ranges, or partial values) - and the prototype is limited to custom properties. Even with those limitations, it's a pretty powerful feature."
- Use cases for CSS comparison functions - Ahmad Shadeed
"In this article, I will explore a few use-cases for comparison functions, and explain each one in detail. Mostly, the use cases will be about situations other than using them for fluid sizing"
- Will Serving Real HTML Content Make A Website Faster? Let's Experiment! - WebPageTest Blog
"TLDR: if your site is Twitter, AirBnB, Apple, Spotify, Reddit, CNN, FedEx, or so many others then probably yes!"
- 2.4.11 Focus Appearance adds more complexity to WCAG than we should want | hidde.blog
"We can't just leave all of our problems to browsers to fix. But if I had any say in it, browsers should fix any accessibility problems they are able to fix."