Raindrop.io Bookmarks 09/18/2022
- Announcing Adobe's intent to acquire Figma
"By bringing powerful capabilities from Adobe's imaging, photography, illustration, video, 3D and font technologies into the Figma platform, we can benefit all customers involved in the product design process, from designers to product managers to developers."
- The Follower - Dries Depoorter
"Using open cameras and AI to find how an Instagram photo is taken."
- When is it OK to Disable Text Selection? | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
"When you're copying content from a web page, it's probably from an article or some other type of long-form content, right? You probably don't want your selection to include images, emoji (which can sometimes copy as text, e.g. ":thinkingface:"), and other things that you might expect to find wrapped in an <aside> element (e.g. in-article calls to action, ads, or something else that's not part of the main content)."
- Dominant hand respecting design | Kitty Giraudel
"I recently shared some thoughts on Twitter about an idea Mike Smart and I had a few years back, while working on the new N26 mobile signup flow: detecting the user's dominant hand."
- Which fonts to use for your charts and tables - Datawrapper Blog
"Easy to read is everything that readers are used to. On the web, that means sans-serif, neither overly narrow nor wide, regular (instead of bold or thin) text set in sentence case, in a size that's big enough to read, and in black or almost black."
- Accessibility In Times Of Headless -- Smashing Magazine
"One thing to keep in mind: when working with a monolithic CMS, you are generally limited to the accessibility features provided by the CMS (or plugins) itself -- customizing the editing experience will be a lot more challenging than when working with a headless CMS."