Raindrop.io Bookmarks 09/06/2022
- W3C Invites Implementations of WCAG 2.2 | W3C News
"Please submit implementations and any comments by 4 October 2022."
- Re: AI for content creation | hidde.blog
"the human side of data isn't measurable or computable. The human side of art, content or communication is not just a different side of the same coin, it's a bigger coin. There is more to reality than data can capture, like lived experiences from actual people and intentions and beliefs."
- Rethinking Authentication UX -- Smashing Magazine
"authentication is everywhere, and sometimes it's extremely frustrating, and sometimes it's seamless. Let's explore a few patterns to create experience that are a bit more seamless than frustrating."
- Finer grained control over CSS transforms with individual transform properties
"Shipping with Chrome 104 are individual properties for CSS transforms. The properties are scale, rotate, and translate, which you can use to individually define those parts of a transformation."
- Measure What You Impact, Not What You Influence - CSS Wizardry - Web Performance Optimisation
"It's vital to understand the remit and extent of the things we are changing. It's vital to benchmark our changes only on the things we are changing. It's vital to measure what you impact, not what you influence."
- Interpolating Numeric CSS Variables | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
"Custom properties are strings by default. So, if we have a variable and want to animate it as a numeric value, we need to interpolate it by defining the variable as a CSS custom property, then setting the syntax to a number."
- Meet the CSS highlight pseudos | delan azabani
"The built-in highlights are ::selection for user-selected content, ::target-text for linking to text fragments, ::spelling-error for misspelled words, and ::grammar-error for text with grammar errors, while the custom highlights are known as ::highlight(x) where x is the author-defined highlight name."