Raindrop.io Bookmarks 07/27/2022
- With :focus-visible, you can have focus styles when it makes sense | hidde.blog
"The thing is, :focus-visible isn't a "indicate focus only to keyboard users" pseudo class, it is "indicate focus when the browser thinks it's right, based on some heuristics"."
- Brief Note on Dismissing Selects and Listboxen -- Adrian Roselli
"Native controls and their ARIA equivalents sometimes behave differently. Understand that and make sure to account for it (ideally by testing). Try not to mix the native and ARIA version of a control within a page, flow, or maybe even site."
- Redirecting to https on all of www.w3.org | W3C Blog
"The primary reason for this is that we wanted to avoid causing issues for software requesting machine-readable resources from www.w3.org such as HTML DTDs, XML Schemas, and namespace documents."
- Solving "The Dangler" Conundrum with Container Queries and :has() - daverupert.com
"now the complexity is almost gone thanks to :has() and Container Queries. What a gift. We truly are entering a new era for CSS, an era where your content informs your layout, not the other way around."
- #ADA32: The ADA has applied to digital for decades - Law Office of Lainey Feingold
"This is an article about the Americans with Disabilities Act. The law was passed 32 years ago. Since that time it has supported the right of disabled people to participate in the digital world."
- The History of JavaScript - DEV Community
"The super trendy Java programming language from Sun Microsystems would be the first thing they'd turn to, but they quickly decided that idea sucked, so Plan B was to hire this guy named Brendan Eich, whose job it was to put the scheme programming language in the browser while maintaining a syntax that still resembled Java."