Raindrop.io Bookmarks 07/06/2022
- The Ballad of Text Overflow - TPGi
"Although the article concedes the possibility of valid use cases, I would personally go a step further and say there are none -- that text-overflow should never be used."
- Use Legend and Fieldset -- Adrian Roselli
"In fact, changing display properties has been risky for years because browsers would drop all semantics from elements."
- GitHub - WebKit/standards-positions: WebKit's positions on emerging web specifications
"The WebKit Open Source Project uses this GitHub repository to come to consensus on various Web standards proposals. Once we've come to consensus, we publish our positions on the WebKit Feature Status page."
- Give Up GitHub - Software Freedom Conservancy
"Copilot is a for-profit product -- developed and marketed by Microsoft and their GitHub subsidiary -- that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to automatically generate code interactively for developers."
- Home | Design Tokens Community Group
"Allow anyone to become familiar with design tokens. Empower people, no matter what their skills and tool choices are, as they develop new mental models, acquire skills, and implement tools to scale design in their projects."
- W3C overrules Google, Mozilla's objections to identifiers • The Register
"Both companies also objected to the environmental harm of blockchains."