Raindrop.io Bookmarks 06/22/2022
- Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 147 with Safari 16 Features | WebKit
"Web Push. Send notifications to people who opt-in on your website or web app with Safari Technology Preview on macOS Ventura beta."
- W3C joins leading standards organizations and companies to coordinate interoperability standards for an open and inclusive metaverse | W3C News
"The forum, whose membership is free, and open to any organization, brings together leading standards organizations and companies for industry-wide cooperation on interoperability standards needed to build an open and inclusive metaverse."
- Touch-First Cursor: Round Pointers vs. Mouse Arrows
"Then a couple years ago, Apple reinvented the cursor to be 'touch-first' - on the new iPadOS, the cursor became a transparent round blob that interacts with elements just like a finger would. It's more dynamic and interactive than a regular mouse arrow though - for example, the colour adapts to different backgrounds for accessibility"
- One line of CSS to add basic dark/light mode | Christian Heilmann
"By starting your style sheet with a single line of CSS, you can make sure that people using dark mode get dark form elements and backgrounds and those using light mode, light ones."
- The 2022 Design Systems Survey by Sparkbox
"Only 30% of all respondents reported their design system having support, training, and new user onboarding. Yet those who reported having successful design systems had these practices in place 76% of the time."
- Why is IAAP giving special treatment to overlays? - karlgroves.com
"There needs to only be one best practice for overlays: Stop Lying"
- More than you ever wanted to know about font loading on the web
"With font-display: optional the browser only renders the custom font if it is available extremely quickly. In most scenarios that requires it being cached locally."