Raindrop.io Bookmarks 06/12/2022
- Private Access Tokens: eliminating CAPTCHAs on iPhones and Macs with open standards
"Today we're announcing Private Access Tokens, a completely invisible, private way to validate that real users are visiting your site. Visitors using operating systems that support these tokens, including the upcoming versions of macOS or iOS, can now prove they're human without completing a CAPTCHA or giving up personal data."
- A Management Maturity Model for Performance - Infrequently Noted
"Despite advances in browser tooling, automated evaluation, lab tools, guidance, and runtimes, teams I've worked with consistently struggle to deliver minimally acceptable performance with today's popular frameworks. This is not a technical problem per se -- it's a management issue, and one that teams can conquer with the right frame of mind and support."
- Don't fight the browser preload scanner
"The browser preload scanner is a secondary HTML parser that scans ahead of the primary one if it's blocked to opportunistically discover resources it can fetch sooner."
- The need to personalize fonts for each individual reader | Adobe Blog
"On average, an individual read 35 percent faster with their fastest font than with their slowest font."
- CSS { In Real Life } | Writing Useful Alt Text
"It's become common to see people post screenshots of text on Twitter: displaying interactions when you don't want to amplify the original author by retweeting or quote-tweeting, or posting a long conversation that has occurred via another medium are a couple of use cases."
- Mobile-First CSS: Is It Time for a Rethink? - A List Apart
"Setting style declarations and then overwriting them at higher breakpoints can lead to undesirable ramifications"