Raindrop.io Bookmarks 05/26/2022
- Designing for Web Accessibility in 60 Seconds | David A. Kennedy
"You design on the web for a living, and want to put accessibility first. Let's do this."
- Apple iOS browser grip loosened under latest draft EU rules • The Register
"In short, when the DMA takes effect in 2024, it appears that Apple will be required to allow browser competition on iOS devices."
- RFC 9239: Updates to ECMAScript media types
"text/javascript is now the only standard MIME type for JavaScript. All others are considered historical and obsolete aliases."
- Bruce Lawson's personal site : My comments to the U.S. National Telecommunications and Information Administration on Competition in the Mobile App Ecosystem
"In the case of users with accessibility needs due to a disability, the web is a mature platform on which accessibility is a solved problem."
- Readability: The Optimal Line Length - Articles - Baymard Institute
"While images, videos, gifs, and other content play an important role in e-commerce users' ability to evaluate products and services, for many users text is the critical factor in their decision-making process."
- Dialog Components: Go Native HTML or Roll Your Own? | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
"Hopefully I've given you a good idea of the thinking process that goes into the making and maintenance of a component library. Could I have hand-rolled my own dialog component for the library? Absolutely! But I doubt it would have yielded better results than what a resource like Kitty's a11y-dialog does, and the effort is daunting."
- Lesser-Known And Underused CSS Features In 2022 -- Smashing Magazine
"CSS is constantly evolving, and some cool and useful properties either go completely unnoticed or are not talked about as much as others for some reason or another. In this article, we'll cover a fraction of those CSS properties and selectors."