Raindrop.io Bookmarks 03/15/2022
- Flexbox Dynamic Line Separator - Ahmad Shadeed
"This works like magic because it's a flexbox behavior. When flex-direction: row is set, the cross-axis is vertical thus the pseudo-element stretches vertically."
- The selectmenu HTML Tag | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
"Based on the Open UI's <select> proposal, the implementation of a new <selectmenu> control has started in Chromium! The work is done by the Microsoft Edge team, in collaboration with the Google Chrome team."
- A Deep Dive Into object-fit And background-size In CSS -- Smashing Magazine
"As we've seen, both object-fit and background-size are very useful for handling different image aspect ratios. We won't always have control over setting the perfect dimensions for each image, and that's where these two CSS features shine."
- Taming CSS Variables with Web Inspector | WebKit
"Web Inspector has introduced features to help keep you focused and productive. Hiding unused inherited CSS variables in the Styles panel reduces clutter. Collecting and grouping CSS variables in the Computed panel focuses your attention. Fuzzy matching in autocompletion of variable names and filter input fields help you quickly find and reuse variables."
- An Introduction to User Journey Maps - SitePoint
"They help map and break down different gaps you might have in your organization or product: gaps between siloed departments; gaps between different channels in the company; gaps between what the user knows and what they need to know (knowledge gap); gaps between stakeholder perceived experience and actual user experience."
- (not so) short note on being owned - HTML Accessibility
"Avoid using aria-owns, unless you really have to, HTML first. If you do, ensure you test it thoroughly with users. Keep in mind its platform dependent support and it's funky user experience outcomes."