Raindrop.io Bookmarks 02/12/2022
- Considering dynamic search results and content | scottohara.me
"Constantly interrupting a user as they type with a live region should be avoided. Thus constantly announcing how many results are shown is not the best UX."
- Becoming a design tokens ambassador
"Design tokens are a representation of design specifications in code. A design tokens pipeline is when you have a central location of tech-agnostic (raw) design tokens that can be transformed into tech-specific (formatted) design tokens and exported to all the consumers/adopters of the design system."
- Re: nuance in ARIA
"I would love to see some of the current Open UI CG and CSS WG work lead to this. I'm thinking HTML elements that have ARIA baked in, and/or CSS properties that impact accessibility trees. You wouldn't set ARIA as a developer, but if you would look at the afffected DOM nodes in the accessibility tree, you would find that the expected accessibility information is conveyed."
- Announcing PWA Studio, the VS Code extension for building Progressive Web Apps! | PWA Builder Blog
"The PWA Studio VSCode extension brings everything you need to build high quality PWAs, right to your VSCode!"
- Using Google Fonts Breaches GDPR - Interdependent Thoughts
"In other words, now is the time to start hosting Google fonts locally on your webserver, and to quit providing your visitor's IP addresses to Google with each visit to your site."
- Browsing with assistive technology videos - TetraLogical
"Understanding how people with disabilities browse the web using assistive technologies (AT) is core to making an accessible and inclusive user experience. Our browsing with assistive technology videos series introduces commonly used software, who uses it, how it works, and ways people navigate content."
- Welcome to Wolvic
"Because entering a virtual experience should NOT exclude you from accessing the vast resources the Web has to offer. WebXR, too, will offer opportunities to continue to expand XR (eXtended Reality), in the model of the Web - and that is most ideally experienced through a browser built for XR."