Raindrop.io Bookmarks 02/06/2022
- Using PostCSS with Media Queries Level 4 - LogRocket Blog
"The CSS update media feature comes to the rescue when we want to evaluate the ability of a user's output device to modify the appearance of rendered content. This feature is particularly useful for helping to determine the type of functionality needed for web content, based on the user's output device."
- Use Cases For CSS fit-content - Ahmad Shadeed
"The keyword fit-content will make an element width equal to its content based on specific conditions."
- What should your browser support strategy be in 2022? | Go Make Things
"What this means for you is that web performance, specifically on older devices and slower networks, should be a key part of your support strategy."
- Axess Lab | Testing is a scary word
"keep saying usability test, user test or whatever when talking to others within the tech field, but as soon as you're inviting others to join these sessions, keep the word test a secret!"
- How to check what item is in focus when accessibility testing • Giovani Camara Blog
"Have you ever found yourself testing a component and suddenly focus ended up at the top of the page? This usually occurs when the focus is reset."
- Accessibility and font sizes - craigabbott.co.uk
"Pixel perfect websites are a fallacy. Websites should be fluid. You can never design a perfect layout for every device in the world, so just design a one which works!"