Raindrop.io Bookmarks 12/31/2021
- Accessibility testing with Storybook | Storybook Tutorials
"Storybook's Accessibility runs Axe on the active story. It visualizes the test results in a panel and outlines all DOM nodes that have a violation."
- Current Legal Trends in Digital Accessibility Lawsuits
"With consumer and business engagement moving increasingly online, 2020 and 2021 have seen the continuation of the trend of more litigation over digital accessibility."
- Twitter needs manual language selection
"For non-English tweets to meet WCAG, they need to have their language declared with a lang atttribute. Twitter currently guesses languages, which is a great step in the right direction, but is likely of little help to speakers of minority languages."
- hwb() - a color notation for humans? | Stefan Judis Web Development
"Adding White and Black to a color affects its saturation. Suppose you add the same amount of White and Black to a color, the color tone stays the same, but color loses saturation."
- Flash of Undefined Custom Elements (FOUCE)
"One option is to use the :defined CSS pseudo-class to "hide" custom elements that haven't been registered yet. You can scope it to specific tags or you can hide all undefined custom elements as shown below."
- Web tech is better. Developer norms are worse. | Go Make Things
"Our obsession with build tools and "developer ergonomics" creates a web development process that's both aggressively worse for many developers and almost always worse for the people who use what we build."