Raindrop.io Bookmarks 11/25/2021
- Control Layout in a Multi-Directional Website | CSS-Tricks
"We looked at a bunch of CSS properties we can use to apply styles to specific languages. And we looked at different approaches to do that, like selecting the :lang pseudo-class and data attributes using the attr() function. As part of this, we covered what logical properties are in CSS and how they adapt to a document's writing mode"
- Adding A Dyslexia-Friendly Mode To A Website -- Smashing Magazine
"The WCAG guidelines suggest a minimum line height of 1.5, with a paragraph setting at least 1.5 times larger than the line spacing."
- Creating and Editing Accessible EPUB (W) - Inclusive Publishing
"Dawn Evans introduced today's session by explaining how the panel of experts would guide us through a journey from content creation in mainstream tools and conversion processes, to how the resulting EPUB can be edited and amended to deliver accessible content for use by anyone."
- Modern CSS in a Nutshell - Cloud Four
"Post-processors like PostCSS used to be a requirement if for no other reason than Autoprefixer. But with the death of IE11, Autoprefixer is effectively no longer needed."
- The 19 Ways of Writing HTML · Jens Oliver Meiert
"Because of specification size and complexity, as well as differences in developer attitude and professionalism, there are various types and type combinations of writing HTML. This article documents these types and combinations."
- Reimagine Atomic CSS
"By flipping the order of "generating" and "usage scanning", the "on-demand" approach saves you the wasted computational and transferring cost, while being flexible to provide the dynamic needs that pre-generating can't possibly be covered."