Raindrop.io Bookmarks 11/23/2021
- Improving The Performance Of Wix Websites (Case Study) -- Smashing Magazine
"First, at an "all hands" company update, our CEO announced that going forward ensuring good performance for websites built on our platform will be a strategic priority for the company as a whole."
- You Probably Don't Need Media Queries Anymore - DEV Community
"If you're still relying primarily on media queries to ensure your site or app is fully responsive, it might be time to take a look at everything CSS has to offer and see if you can swap some of those old-fashioned breakpoints out for some of these new, fluid approaches to styling."
- Responsive Layouts, Fewer Media Queries | CSS-Tricks
"We looked at flexbox and grid, clamp(), relative units, and combined them together to do all kinds of things, from changing the background of an element based on its container width, moving positions at certain screen sizes, and even mimicking as-of-yet-unreleased container queries."
- Fig
"Fig adds VSCode-style autocomplete to your existing terminal. Move faster with Fig."
- Flip, Invert, and Reverse
"In this article, I'm going to introduce 3 kinds of transformations for the SVG path commands. Specifically for h/H and v/V commands."
- There Is No Digital World - Christopher Butler
"Because while we continue to build larger, denser, and more complicated digital "worlds," the real world -- the planet on which you and I live and every single thing we make depends -- is becoming a less and less sustainable support for our existence."