Raindrop.io Bookmarks 11/22/2021
- TPAC 2021: WCAG3
"Balancing 2.2, 2.X cleanup, and WCAG 3.0 development is also a major challenge. We have a lot of work and it's a matter of balancing competing priorities and still trying to keep to our timelines."
- Design Systems are for user interfaces | Brad Frost
"The reality is that a design system is a multi-faceted layer cake, and also operates as part of other layered systems within an organization. Design systems are systems of systems, but not all systems are part of the design system."
- Gallaudet 11 and Disability Ambassadors - :last-child
"the Gallaudet 11 joined NASA in the 1950's to study prolonged weightlessness. All but one had become deaf early in their lives due to spinal meningitis, which damaged the vestibular systems of their inner ear in a way that made them "immune" to motion sickness."
- Great New Summary of Sustainable Web Design - Sustainable Virtual Design
"While they discuss sustainability at a high level, or list the ideas and theories, they don't simply organize their information so a practicing designer or UXer could quickly incorporate their ideas with a short read."
- What do you get for using a search input type? | CSS-Tricks
"You get past search terms with autocomplete. Browsers store those past search terms and offer a menu for autocompleting them."
- Zero Trickery Custom Radios and Checkboxes | CSS-Tricks
"We're so close to having some very simple CSS to accomplish the main use-case for custom checkboxes and radios. But no cigar, that is, unless you can bring yourself to just not care about the Safari UI (it is still perfectly functional, after all)."
- Are We There Yet? The State of the Web & Core Web Vitals [Part 1] - Moz
"As John Mueller said, "we really want to make sure that search remains useful after all". This is the underlying bluff in Google's pre-announced updates: they can't make changes that cause the websites people expect to see, to not rank."