Raindrop.io Bookmarks 11/20/2021
- The endless search for "here" in the unhelpful "click here" button
"Accessible names for interactive controls such as buttons and links should tell a story. You want to remove as much ambiguity about what a control will do or where it will go by giving a little preview of what to expect."
- Debugging HTML: Accessibility - HTMHell
"Let's say your users report that they can't access the burger button in your navigation using a keyboard or switch device, or they report that they're confused by the label of the button when they use a screen reader. There are several ways of debugging that using DevTools."
- Splide - The lightweight, flexible and accessible slider/carousel
"Splide is a lightweight, flexible and accessible slider/carousel written in TypeScript. No dependencies, no Lighthouse errors."
- Why Your Website Should Not Use Dithered Images - Simple Thread
"Not only do you have to resize them to be much smaller if you actually want to see any difference in file size while dithering, the dithering doesn't get you anywhere close to the amount of savings you'd get by just converting the original image to WebP."
- What's new in Lighthouse 9.0 - Chrome Developers
"Puppeteer is used to script page loads and trigger synthetic user interactions, and Lighthouse can be invoked in multiple ways to capture key insights during those interactions. This means that performance can be measured during page load and during interactions with the page."
- Browsing with screen magnification - TetraLogical
"People with cognitive or learning disabilities may also use screen magnification. Magnifying the screen can help people focus on critical tasks and remove unwanted distractions such as banner adverts or animations."
- Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 135 | WebKit
"Enabled accent-color by default"