Raindrop.io Bookmarks 10/18/2021
- Blaming Screen Readers | Adrian Roselli
"The better, more immediate, solution is to be more thoughtful in how you post your content (memes). Be considerate of others, even if it takes an extra minute. Stop offloading blame. Stop making it someone else's problem."
- EPUB Accessibility 101 (W) - Inclusive Publishing
"Also found in the OPF file, EPUB metadata provides information about the accessibility features and potential limitations of the content."
- PWABuilder
"PWA Builder was founded by Microsoft as a community guided, open source project to help move PWA adoption forward."
- Accessibility of Remote Meetings
"This document summarizes considerations of accessibility that arise in the conduct of remote and hybrid meetings."
- 12 Essential Atom Packages for Web Development - SitePoint
"Atom has plenty of competition -- including Visual Studio Code and Sublime Text -- but it still holds its own as a popular and competent web development tool."
- Conditional border-radius and three future CSS features | Stefan Judis Web Development
"At least theoretically, we arrived at a few readable CSS lines that render something depending on viewport and(!) container width."