Raindrop.io Bookmarks 08/10/2021
- Deque's Axe-Core Surpasses 250 Million Downloads | Deque
"According to npm-stat, axe-core currently receives about 1 million downloads per day on average, up from an average of around 300,000 downloads per day this time last year."
- Sustainable Web Design, An Excerpt - A List Apart
"We're pleased to share an excerpt from Chapter 2 of Tom Greenwood's Sustainable Web Design, from A Book Apart."
- Adactio: Journal--Resigning from the AMP advisory committee
"Whenever a representative from Google showed up at an advisory committee meeting, it was clear that they viewed AMP as a Google product."
- CSS Nesting, specificity and you | Kilian Valkhof
"This is an overview of how you can already use it today, the pitfalls and how to avoid them."
- A performance-focused workflow based on Google tools
"This article will suggest how the various performance-focused tools that Google has made freely available can be combined to effectively evaluate website health and identify pain points, debug and optimize pages that need attention, and continuously monitor and prevent regression."
- Climate change widespread, rapid, and intensifying - IPCC -- IPCC
"The report also shows that human actions still have the potential to determine the future course of climate. The evidence is clear that carbon dioxide (CO2) is the main driver of climate change, even as other greenhouse gases and air pollutants also affect the climate."
- PAC - PDF/UA Foundation
"The PDF/UA Foundation is the new home of PAC. The 2021 release includes enhanced features like the WCAG check set, and a new color contrast check."