Raindrop.io Bookmarks 07/24/2021
- Accessibility of the section element | scottohara.me
"Overpopulating a web page with landmarks will reduce their ability to help users find the most important parts of web pages. In other words, if everything's a landmark then there's nothing really special about them, is there?"
- How we measure adoption of a design system at Productboard | by Filip Daniško | Productboard engineering | Jul, 2021 | Medium
"we wrote custom ESLint and stylelint rules that give warnings on definitions of font-size, font-weight and line-height where the value is not a token coming from the design system. A warning message then advises to use components from the design system instead. This has two advantages: first it warns about forming new technical debt, and secondly, it gives us an option to actually track this."
- Spacers.js - when you need more space
"spacers is a JS library that supports multiple spacers for controlling padding/margin, linking functionality & much more!"
- nativefier/nativefier: Make any web page a desktop application
"Nativefier is a command-line tool to easily create a desktop app for any web site with minimal configuration."
- Easier browser debugging with Developer Tools integration in Visual Studio Code - Microsoft Edge Blog
"You can then inspect the DOM, change CSS, and see network requests of your project running in the browser without leaving Visual Studio Code."
- Detecting media query support in CSS and JavaScript | Kilian Valkhof
"What I needed was a test for the media feature regardless of it's value. It turns out we can do that by using the or notation in media queries."
- The Future Of The Web
"The web will be the final OS, all connected, forever evolving."