Raindrop.io Bookmarks 05/18/2021
- Axe DevTools Extension Updates: New Share Issue Feature & Improved Issue Summary | Deque
"With one click, a customized URL with all issue description information is created for you to easily share with colleagues or your issue tracking software of choice, whether it's JIRA, Github, Rally, Azure, or any other defect tracking or test management system."
- Enough with the role-play--let's get back to the basics - TPGi
"In the spirit of openness and also so that others might be able to correct any heinous mistakes that I may have made, I've made this role-highlighting user style sheet available on GitHub. Look for the CSS file named 'reveal-roles.css'."
- You can't automate accessibility testing | Christian Heilmann
"There is a high chance that we're doing things wrong when we emulate how a certain group of users would interact with our product. Assistive technology is complex."
- Accessibility Advocates Sign Open Letter Urging People Not To Use AccesiBe and Other Overlay Products - WordPress Tavern
"A major part of the complaint is that these products are often marketed as quick-fix solutions that will make a website ADA compliant and immune from legal action."
- A Love Letter to HTML & CSS | CSS-Tricks
"Markup requires systematic thinking. What structure is the best match for this content? How can we make this content easier to discover and parse in the right order? What tags do we need to ensure a screen reader will parse your information correctly?"
- A Look at Tailwind CSS - Ahmad Shadeed
"In my current projects, I use a combination of utility classes and normal CSS. It's a perfect combination for me. I don't lose the power of utility classes, and at the same time, I use them without cluttering the HTML."