Raindrop.io Bookmarks 05/17/2021
- Progress Delayed Is Progress Denied - Infrequently Noted
"Apple forces developers of competing browsers to use their engine for all browsers on iOS, restricting their ability to deliver a better version of the web platform."
- Testing fonts for accessibility. Selecting accessible fonts for your... | by Colin Shanley | Apr, 2021 | UX Collective
"Selecting accessible fonts for your copy is not just to help users with disabilities and special needs - it increases legibility for all users. This bite-sized guide will help you make your font selections"
- What I Learned by Relearning HTML
"I'm eager to see if Web Components become more popular and provide a good solution to these problems. If they do, the situation could become similar to programming languages, where different languages take difference stances on the question of how much functionality should be included in the standard library (HTML)"
- An Introduction to Accessibility and SEO [Series Part 1] - Moz
"In most cases, there is a very large impact if you do it right. It's not a short-term problem. It's ongoing. We shouldn't do it at the end. We should be doing it at the beginning. It really doesn't cost that much money if you do it right compared to if you do it wrong and get it wrong."
- Auditing Design Systems for Accessibility | Deque
"What should we be auditing design-wise? As we talked about earlier, 67% of accessibility issues start in design, so it may be more than we realize!"
- Float an Element to the Bottom Corner | CSS-Tricks
"Here's the CSS-only solution that will make your image to stick to the bottom corner, regardless of the size and content."
- My current HTML boilerplate - Manuel Matuzović
"Every element I use for the basic structure of a HTML document, with explanations why."