Raindrop.io Bookmarks 05/13/2021
- For Wide Review: WCAG 2.2 Working Draft | W3C News
"The Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (AG WG) has published an updated Working Draft of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 for wide review."
- schema blog: Announcing Schema Markup Validator: validator.schema.org (beta)
"This is the focus of the new Schema Markup Validator (SMV). It is simpler than its predecessor SDTT because it is dedicated to checking that you're using JSON-LD, RDFa and Microdata in widely understood ways, and to warning you if you are using Schema.org types and properties in unusual combinations."
- Will Deploying an Accessibility Overlay or Widget on a Website Reduce the Risk of a Lawsuit? - Level Access
"The majority of lawsuits these days don't actually cite issues of WCAG compliance. They cite issues of functional use--things that impact an individual with disability's ability to use a site. In the context of the Internet, the vast majority of the time, this is someone who is blind."
- SLAIT's real-time sign language translation promises more accessible online communication | TechCrunch
"Sign language is used by millions of people around the world, but unlike Spanish, Mandarin or even Latin, there's no automatic translation available for those who can't use it. SLAIT claims the first such tool available for general use"
- Sketch: in 2021 and beyond · Sketch
"Over the past few years, we've evolved Sketch to be more than the Mac app. It's now a fully integrated platform for design and collaboration, combining the best native Mac editor with tools that work in any web browser."
- Bruce Lawson's personal site : CSS Zen Garden turns 18
"After I tweeted the link on Saturday to celebrate CSS Zen Garden's birthday, a number of people noted that the site isn't responsive, so looks broken on mobile. This is because there weren't any mobile devices when I wrote it in 2003!"
- Upgrade Your HTML III · Jens Oliver Meiert
"Apart from discussing the appropriate use and subtleties of HTML elements, this edition touches on code consistency, class use, bundler output, but also poem markup, link types,--and even declaration repetition."