Raindrop.io Bookmarks 04/30/2021
- Axe Updates: Deque releases axe-core 4.2 | Deque
"Axe now provides limited support for role="text". This non-standard role only works in Safari, and can be used to influence where VoiceOver pauses in its pronunciation."
- How to detect browser support for Flexbox Gap - Ahmad Shadeed
"In the meantime, it's not possible to detect if the gap for flexbox is supported or not."
- Practical Use Cases For CSS Variables - Ahmad Shadeed
"If you're using CSS variables just like CSS pre-proccerssors (Sass, for example), then you aren't taking the full benefit of them"
- Getting started with CSS Custom Properties - Tutorial - Piccalilli
"This ability to contextually override a custom property makes them incredibly useful for interactive states and generally writing less CSS."
- A Complete Guide to Custom Properties | CSS-Tricks
"Custom properties can make code easier to maintain because you can update one value and have it reflected in multiple places. Careful though, overdoing abstraction can make have the opposite effect and make code less understandable."
- CSS Tips - Marko Denic - Web Developer
"Did you know that you can create a typing effect with zero JavaScript?"
- I studied the fonts of the top 1000 websites. Here's what I learned. | Dribbble Design Blog
"We can see that on the median page, H1 is roughly 1.9 times the size of P: so if P were 16px, H1 would be about 30px (16 x 1.9). The ratio decreases for the subheaders until we get to H5, whose median size is the same as P"