Raindrop.io Bookmarks 04/10/2021
- Accessible Designs Make Better Products: Workday's Story | UX Magazine
"Everyone's capabilities are unique; therefore, everyone's experience interacting with the world is unique. Consider each lens when creating something that might be interpreted in different ways, depending on a person's physical and psychological capabilities."
- Roll-Your-Own vs Third-Party Design System Reference Website | Brad Frost
"Both vendor and self-hosted solutions are perfectly valid approaches to building a design system reference website. As time goes on, I'm increasingly finding myself nudging my clients toward Zeroheight, but so much depends on the organization's culture, setup, and priorities."
- Debug/Inspect z-index stacking with the "CSS Stacking Context Inspector" DevTools extension - Bram.us
"The Stacking Contexts Inspector is a DevTools extension for Google Chrome that allows you to analyse the stacking contexts available on a webpage."
- Typographic accessibility in more detail | by Bruno Maag | The Readability Group | Apr, 2021 | Medium
"The three pillars of accessibility - emotional, functional and technical - can be applied to any output whether that is a product or a service. Each industry and sector will have its own specific definitions relevant to their output. The following paragraphs describe each accessibility pillar in the context of typography and typefaces."
- Accessibility Errors Automated Tools Miss on PDF Documents
"When organizations rely wholly on an automated approach to remediating PDF files of their shareholder reports, research papers, and other critical documents, some key areas for accessibility compliance get missed."
- We Ran Tests on Every State's COVID-19 Vaccine Website - The Markup
"Meyer, the Pennsylvania doctor, started a Facebook group to help people in the state struggling with the system to register for vaccination. The group has helped thousands make appointments so far, sending tips and tricks for signing up on the various sites."