Raindrop.io Bookmarks 03/26/2021
- Chromium Blog: A safer default for navigation: HTTPS
"Starting in version 90, Chrome's address bar will use https:// by default, improving privacy and even loading speed for users visiting websites that support HTTPS."
- WebAIM: Survey of Web Accessibility Practitioners #3 Results
"Mac OS is now the most common operating system. Chrome dominates with 63% of respondents reporting it as their primary browser."
- MDN localization in March -- Tier 1 locales unfrozen, and future plans - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
"It has been a long time coming, but we've finally achieved our goal of unfreezing our Tier 1 locales. the fr, ja, ru, zh-CN, and zh-TW locales can now be edited, and we have active teams working on each of these locales."
- Not Your Typical Horizontal Rules
"Since horizontal rules are semantic elements announced by screen readers, then unless you're using a horizontal rule to semantically divide content, you should hide it from screen readers using aria-hidden="true"."
- Au revoir, mon AMPmour? -- Ethan Marcotte
"I'll say it again: you don't need to use AMP for priority placement. You just need a fast website."
- 2021 Digital Accessibility Trends Q&A - Level Access
"why have overlays gotten traction in the market if they don't work? The answer - they're a cheap and easy to understand solution for a difficult, complicated, and potentially expensive business problem"
- The End of AMP - lafoo - ramblings about the online world
"I am hopeful that 2021 will be the beginning of the end for two of my least favorite things - the pandemic and Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)."